Friday Night Camping

Our last vacation camping without hospital visits was this week in September 2018. At the time I thought we would be able to return many more times. It seemed we found the prefect time, after schools had opened and hardly any people were there vacationing. 

But even then, 10 months into your chemo treatments, you needed to go to sleep shortly after the fire got underway. But it was a small thing on such a lovely vacation together. Perfect weather, perfect activities (biking, kayaking, photographing, and I even completed my first Tiny Painting), and the most perfect companionship.

I wrote the following on September 7th as I sat out after you went into sleep, listening to the ocean surrounded by other retirees in campers.

I miss you honey.

Friday Night Camping

Sparks catch the night air

As American flags boast

Airstream conversations

Children’s sleepy questions 

Crush through gravel

Parents gentle their night 

Above us all

Ursa major pours her heart into 

The Narrows harboring her offerings

Higher still

The lodestar points

Out Cassiopeia’s vanity

My love & I

Transformed by night’s magic

A shooting star celebrates

As Pegasus clears the Milky Way

Onto eternity.


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